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The Master of Science in Information and Technological Services and Projects is aimed at studying the specifics of IT management services in the modern society, the organization and management of complex IT projects and the development of modern software applications, through the use of modern methods, methodologies and tools.
A feature of the program is the development of real projects assigned from IT companies.

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Master's programs studied at the FMI offer different opportunities for mastering advanced information and communication technologies, as well as acquiring knowledge and skills to develop sophisticated software systems. They are implemented by a highly qualified teaching staff and a good information base. They are organized in a way that is convenient for the working students and they are in compliance with the European Credit Transfer System.
The training lasts 3 semesters in which you will acquire team work skills, you will have opportunities to work on research projects and student mobility abroad, as well as you have Contacts with leading software companies

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Candidates are required to have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering or a similar major and at least one year of service in any of the areas listed. All applicants must have passed a competitive examination.

The Candidate Master's Campaign will take place in two stages:

Online - registration and filling in application form, possibility to pay an "exam fee" online;

Competition Exams. The schedule will be published in advance.

Admission, Room 220, Students, FMI